Rooted in the Pacific Northwest and practicing worldwide, YBA Architects (also known as Yale + Brown) focuses on creating beautiful built environments that enrich communities. We believe each client deserves innovative thinking – a commitment to elevate the human experience, to respect the context and environment, and to always stay grounded in the practical realities of the project. Our clients trust us to help them make a positive impact that stands the test of time.
YBA is a leader in innovative mixed-use and multifamily development, transit-oriented development, urban design, and master planning.
Our work is rooted in the principles of good urbanism, enabling us to work with our clients to deliver visionary urban developments that empower and transform communities
We believe the most effective design involves careful attention to every detail. Our interiors deliver elegance, integrity, and delight to ensure each project is a work of art, inside and out.
We’ve turned shipping containers into vital classrooms in the bush of South Africa, and transformed defunct, abandoned warehouses into popular mixed-use developments, all on time and on budget.